
Direct Mail

We work with each client to create a comprehensive strategy and mail plan. Then, our experienced in-house creative team partners with each client to develop an effective message through customized designs that will break through the clutter. Our relationships with printers across the country allow us to get your mail out on time.


Placing digital advertising is our specialty. We place for all mediums and prioritize the highest quality placements with transparent pricing. We’ll develop a strategy in tandem with direct mail, text messaging, TV placement, and other efforts you might have to accomplish the end result: winning.

Phone and Texting Campaigns

We have the ability to communicate directly to your target audience’s cell phones through text messages, automated phone calls, ringless voicemails, surveys, or other get out the vote efforts. By developing integrated mail-to-text plans, we can reinforce your message with your target audience using eye-catching creative that is in sync with your digital and mail plans.

Campaign Collateral

Our team will partner with you to ensure your printed materials match your campaign’s brand and your message.

A Reliable Process

Smart Targeting

Creative Direct uses one of the most sophisticated nationwide databases to select and target your audience. We use a wide range of fields beyond basic demographic information, such as voting history, consumer data, political leanings, and even level of support for certain hot button issues. We work with you to decide which audience will react the strongest to your message.

Telling Your Story

Our experienced, in-house creative team partners with each client to develop an effective message through customized designs that will break through the clutter and help you win on Election Day.

Mailing Quickly and Efficiently

Creative Direct has partnered with printers and mail shops across the nation to produce our mail. We have long-standing relationships with printers from coast to coast that gives us the production capability to mail quickly and efficiently in any state.

Delivering the Best in Digital Advertising

Our team has worked on races from city council up to Presidential campaigns. Unlike most “digital firms”, we do not outsource our buying – it is done 100% in-house. The focus we have on placing persuasive creative in the best spots online or on Connected TV will outmatch your competitors and give you an edge to help you win.